There are two options our customers usually take up. Change the domain name after migration or leave it the same.

Depending on your preferences, whether you are going to change the domain name or not, you can go two ways:

  • Switching the domain name

In this way, you will be redirected from the Source page to the corresponding page of the Target website. After the migration is complete and the 301 Redirect is set up – the Source website will become unavailable for visitors (because the Redirect will lead you to the new website). =>

  • The domain name is unchanged

In this case, your Source website URLs will be active on your Target site, but they will be redirected to the matching page of the Target website. This kind of redirect is more suitable for those who relocates the Target site to the Source Domain once the migration is complete. It works only within your Target site. =>


  • You have to set up the 301 Redirect in the Migration Wizard.
  • The 301 Redirect option isn’t available for forums.
  • The 301 Redirect can be utilized only for those CMS platforms that have this feature included in the list of supported migration items.